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By tngw1500se
#75956 Is it possible to trigger a GPIO pin HIGH if any phone (with SSID and a password) is in range of a NodeMCU WiFi access point? I'm using a Node to operate a driveway gate now but I have to go to a browser to push a button to open the gate. My phone automatically logs on the Node's network and once through the gate I drive far enough to be out of range of the Node. I'd like the pin to go HIGH when in range and LOW if no phone is connected. That would open the gate without touching the phone.
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By QuickFix
#75973 Almost a year ago I wrote a small proof of concept script using Arduino that keeps track of WiFi devices in the vicinity, without having them to actually connect to an AP, perhaps you can use it as a starting point or some inspiration. :idea:
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By rudy
QuickFix wrote:Almost a year ago I wrote a small proof of concept script using Arduino that keeps track of WiFi devices in the vicinity, without having them to actually connect to an AP, perhaps you can use it as a starting point or some inspiration. :idea:

That makes me thing, maybe use that code to keep track of my boss? :o See when he is in.
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By tngw1500se
QuickFix wrote:Almost a year ago I wrote a small proof of concept script using Arduino that keeps track of WiFi devices in the vicinity, without having them to actually connect to an AP, perhaps you can use it as a starting point or some inspiration. :idea:

Interesting, I guess you could add an "if" statement that says "if the Mac addess is, then do this"