It runs on 12V direclty for the LEDs and uses a small LM2596 buck converter module from ebay for the 3.3V. The LEDs are controlled via IRLM2502's which have handled the loads without a problem in my tests. There is a pinheader for the remaining unused GPIO pin as well as serial and some buttons for restart and flash mode, so that the ESP can be reprogrammed directly on the board if necessary.
Most of this is based on the great help from this topic.
I'd love to hear some feedback and get some suggestions where I can improve this.
- - Perhaps I will add some pulldowns to the rgbw control lines to avoid unintentional flickering
- I am not 100% sure about the capacitors. Are the 2 100uF elektrolytic caps for the buck converter and the ESP enough?
- The 470uF cap at the restart pin is copied from another design I saw. Would it be ok to use a 100uF one there too? Only one kind for the whole board then