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By Bauerbyter
#21346 Hi,
(first sorry for my bad english)
I'm playing around with the ESP since a month and I really love it!
But now I want to go a step further and connect the ESP to Openhab and control lights , RGB-LEDs.. and so on.
So my Question: is there a easy (for dummies) way to connect the esp to openhab and send special commands (RGB-Color for example).
Thanks a lot!
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By tytower
#21351 Not gonna get into openhab . Dont have the time and java was the worst experience of my programming life.

If it is anything like data.sparkfun or Ubidots or Thingspeak then there are programs in the Wiki that will steer you
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By m-cin
#21375 I use OpenHAB. ESP talks "in MQTT" to broker, broker talks with OpenHAB via MQTT Binding. Broker and OpenHAB shares same machine (Synology NAS).
