A place users can post their projects. If you have a small project and would like your own dedicated place to post and have others chat about it then this is your spot.

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By ToeJamson
#24479 Hello ESP8266 community!

I wanted to share a pretty cool project we've been working on over at PubNub. We built an IoT coffee maker that monitors coffee pot levels in realtime and publishes that data to a live-updating web UI.

We used an Atmel ATmega328p MCU and an ESP8266, and transfer the capacity of the pot via PubNub. We've written a full tutorial, and all the code is open source.

The project in a nutshell:


And you can see it in-action here:

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By danbicks
#24728 PubNub guys, I think it would be a good idea to create a library for the Arduino IDE.
A lot of newbies will not have a clue about eclipse.

Good work, I like the digital scales, not sure that monitoring a kettle water level is the best use of this approach.
