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By Mril
#45473 Hello all,
I'm strating a new project using the esp 13 shield and max 10 FPGA, it's my first time to use an esp 8266, so I have no idea how to start it.
if any one has a tutorial to start with I would be grateful.
Thks all.
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By Mril
#47170 Hi,
thanks for this link, its a good book.
I'm trying to connect my shield to an uart made by an FPGA NIOS II, my UART C code is working, but not on the ESP 8266, I made two function in my C code one for reception and for the transmit, I sent an "AT" via my function( I visualized the tram with the oscilloscope) but there was no response.
Every time I push the reset button I receive a bunch of non coded character[img][IMG]http://nsa37.casimages.com/img/2016/05/09/mini_160509111709447729.png[/img][/img]
My question is do the ESP require another method for transmit and receive logic?
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By AcmeUK
Every time I push the reset button I receive a bunch of non coded character

This is possibly output at 74880 baud from the boot ROM, it may give clues as to why you are getting no response.

Are you going straight to coupling your UART to the 8266? If so a bad idea.

You need to build up step by step.

First can you communicate with the 8266 from a terminal running on your PC?

Then can communicate with the 8266 via an Arduino? There are plenty of examples how to this!

Only then, when you understand how to communicate with the 8266 should you attempt to talk it using your UART.

One final thought, do you have a common ground between your UART and the 8266?

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