The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By infor_mare
#31419 Hi all, and sorry if my request seems too simple, but i'm a novice of the iot world and i need to undestand something before start a "little" project.
My target is to use a nodemcu (esp 12-e) to manage a 6 ports remote relay. With google i see a lot of solution, but none seems the perfect for me.
I would the possibility to send a get request to the nodemcu, and nodemcu close or open a gpio. Nothing more in the first step.
Probably i should use a websocket to do that , but how can implement a websocket using lua in nodemcu?
I would use a really simple solution, ... like a first lesson in my journey in the IOT world.
Thanks in advance

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By Roffey
#32387 If you want simple and have a good looking phone app, go for blynk. Arduino build, so its easy to program, cloud based, fast and has a nice (free) phone app you can set up. Drive some relays from some ports (all are usable), and you are done.
Good entry into the esp and a rewarding little project. Take a look at