The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By ritesh
#38187 Hi,

I have one ESP-WROOM-02 Wifi Module and compiled & flashed AT firmware as well as some other TCP/UDP IP related demos using NONOS SDK 1.4.0.

I have also tested some AT Basic, WIfi Related as well as TCP/UDP IP Related commands which works fine without any issue.

I understood STA, AP and both AP+STA mode interface and also looked SDK Directory which provides static libraries like libat.a, liblwip.a etc and Hardrware Interface Driver for SPI,I2C, PWM,GPIO,UART etc.

I have also tested to connect two ESP Modules with each other through STA and AP mode interface.

Now, My Plan is to communicate with multiple modules directly through MAC Interface to bypass STA and AP Mode interface. So, for that, I need to access MAC Layer Interface and need source of MAC Layer Driver. I am just thinking to communicate multiple ESP Modules through MAC.

Does it possible to communicate like above way with NONOS SDK 1.4.0? Does Espressif Systems provides source of MAC Layer Access Driver?

Please let me know if anyone has any idea or any clue or any information for this type of functionality.

Ritesh Prajapati