The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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#66536 Hi there, I have an idea on programming my esp12e but i dont know if it is possible to write part of a sketch (the code for a specific sensor) on the esp by using a webpage on the esp. just like you use wifimanager to enter ssid and pwd. Does anyone know if this is possible? just found it can be done using ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer. But what I would like if I could enter a part of a sketch trough a form-field in a webpage broadcasted by the esp8266. Is that possible to programme directly using a browser without compiling? Thanks for your thoughts!
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By mbenitez01
#74140 There is a cute can use LUA (script languaje). And esplore -awesome tool from russian allows to execute a given file by name..also..this tool allows you to modify file you can read file contetn through html in a text area...edit text area and save that content again in file...afterwhile, re-run that file and voila! OTA through browser