Here are nicer board pics
It appears that the relay board does not have the required pullup resistors/jumpers to make the ESP-01 boot from flash. Also, before flashing them via the Arduino IDE, they boot up with a FaryLink SSID which I can connect to and get an IP address from with my phone or computer but a port scan doesn't show any open ports from 1-1024. I have been able to flash them via the Arduino IDE and my modified ESP-01 programmer but again, when I place the ESP-01 into the relay board it doesn't boot. The 3.3V regulator seems to be working as the ESP-01's power LED lights.
From my testing, I believe that GPIO 0 is supposed to trigger the relay through a transistor with a HIGH signal. Now if GPIO 0 needs to be HIGH to boot is that also going to trigger the relay?
So besides pulling GPIO 0 HIGH, does RESET & GPIO 2 need a pullup or just leave them floating?