- Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:19 pm
Of cause it is possible, I made most parts last year in a project that is on ice. My computer crashed and my backup was a month old so it is quite hard to remember what need to be fixed.
The solution in the video is however quite useless. If you record a signal from an remote for an AC it include all settings for the AC. This means if you record setting the temperature to 22 C while you are using it for cooling you can't use the same recording to set 22 C when it is set in heating mode because then it will also change the mode to cooling. This was at least the case for the 2 AC:s I have.
You can test by changing some mode on your IR when the IR is out of reach for the AC. Then you go within reach and change the temperature and you will see that also the mode changes. To be able to control an AC as described you would have to record every combination of all modes and temperatures your remote supports.
In my solution I had made a lot of work to manually decode the meaning of each bit in the signal the remote sent. Then I would be able to combine my own signals and transmit them. I had the logic to receive IR signals in place to be able to manually ´decode them and also the logic to transmit my own signals that the AC:s understood working before the computer crashed.