The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By robpan
#74467 I confirm the reply of m_elias #73027 with photo.
Just CH_PD --> +3.3v and Resistor 10k between Gpio0 and +3.3v
It run perfectly with my Arduino sketch.
Thanks a lot to m_elias for the solution.
Can be help many users.
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By zoomx
#74813 As far as I know in these modules the ESP8266 doesn't drive the relay but there is another MCU, an 8051 in older modules, an STM8 in newer modules.
The ESP8266 act as a WiFitoSerial adapter only.
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By m_elias
zoomx wrote:As far as I know in these modules the ESP8266 doesn't drive the relay but there is another MCU, an 8051 in older modules, an STM8 in newer modules.
The ESP8266 act as a WiFitoSerial adapter only.

Could you elaborate? The esp8266 in this case is an ESP-01 and it triggers a transistor which in turn powers the relay coil.