The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By jozephchristopher
#84083 The ESP hosts a webpage with three sliders to set the red, green and blue levels of an RGB LED (or LED strip). There's also a button to turn on a rainbow effect that cycles through the entire color wheel. Color data is transmitted from the browser to the ESP via a WebSocket connection. You can connect to the ESP directly, using it as an AP, or let the ESP connect to a different AP. You can use mDNS to open the webpage, by browsing to http://esp8266.local.
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By AvaHill
#84418 The ESP hosts a webpage with three sliders to set the red, green and blue levels of an RGB LED (or LED strip). There's also a button to turn on a rainbow effect that cycles through the entire color wheel. Color data is transmitted from the browser to the ESP via a WebSocket connection.
You can connect to the ESP directly, using it as an AP, or let the ESP connect to a different AP. You can use mDNS to open the webpage, by browsing to http://esp8266.local.
All files are stored in the ESP's SPIFFS, and you can upload new files, or update files via a web interface.
You can also use the OTA service to upload new firmware (sketches) over Wi-Fi.
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By Manuel Wessels
#90908 Perhaps the issue can be resolved using a virtual machine.
I also advise you to read here:

Good luck finding solutions