The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By gbales
#68808 Hi all amazing ESPers...
Help with understanding the following please...

I have the following code...
WiFi.softAP("Socket1", "Socket1Password");

And I can connect to it on my phone by entering the IP from... WiFi.softAPIP()

The following line tells me how many connections have been established.

later in the code...
webSocket.begin("", 81);

I want to receive the "Connected" on another ESP8266.
Everything I have tried has produced no results.

Can 2 websockets connect to each other?
Can I assume they each have their own IP? Duh moment I assume!
Is the AP required or could the webSocket.begin and webSocket.sendTXT function without an AP?

I am willing to do more researching and experimenting but I need to understand the base line of these so move forward without stumbling around.\

I will really appreciat any help
