The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By pitched
#10953 On SDK 0.9.5, the debug port gives me:
Code: Select allclient handshake start.
client handshake failed

Then a disconnect event with reason -11 (Not connected.). Looks like a different issue, maybe?

To use the older libssl.a linked in that post, I had to map os_printf to os_printf_plus in the linker with a --defsym. After that, SSL works again.
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By rith87
#11151 @pitched: I have a silly question. How do you enable the debug port? Is this a lua thing? If not, what stack are you using? IoT_Demo? AT commands? So am I right to say that you got SSL working after using the older libssl.a library? Are you able to connect to any HTTPS site?

Also, @alonewolfx2, I don't know if the actual problem is with the length of the certificate or if there is some incompatibility with SHA-256. The HTTPS connection that works for me was using SHA-1. Are there any known issues with the IoT demo and SHA-256?
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By terenceang
#12577 trying to connect to but could not get espconn_secure_connect to work. regular espconn_connects works and managed to get a respond from a non https server.

error i got is
client handshake started
client handshake failed.

-11 (not connected)

this is the last bit of my code, any help will be greatly appreciated.