The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By OzGrant
#88445 G'Day,
I am using an unedited Basic.ino from the painless library.
Am getting a variety of errors.
The first is;

Error while detecting libraries included by C:\Users\Grant\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESPAsyncTCP-master\src\ESPAsyncTCP.cpp

But it still compiles past that point.
Then I get a sea of red errors :

C:\Users\Grant\Documents\Arduino\libraries\painlessMesh-master\src/painlessmesh/protocol.hpp: In member function 'virtual ArduinoJson::JsonObject painlessmesh::protocol::Single::addTo(ArduinoJson::JsonObject&&) const':

C:\Users\Grant\Documents\Arduino\libraries\painlessMesh-master\src/painlessmesh/protocol.hpp:82:12: [b][b]error: use of deleted function[/b][/b] 'ArduinoJson::JsonObject::JsonObject(const ArduinoJson::JsonObject&)'
return jsonObj;

Any ideas....
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By btidey
#88455 ArduinoJson made major changes to its API between v5 and v6 so it is possible there is a version conflict between that and painlessMesh.

Either painlessMesh expects v5 and you have v6 installed or vice versa.
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By OzGrant
#88469 G'Day,
Took your hint and reinstalled all libs.
It now compiles and runs ok,
The link is: ... ideVesions and libs are:
Using library Painless_Mesh at version 1.4.5
Using library TaskScheduler at version 3.1.6
Using library ArduinoJson at version 6.16.1
Using library ESP8266WiFi at version 1.0
Using library ESPAsyncTCP-master at version 1.2.2

Tks for our help in putting me on the right track.