The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By mpeg42
#18150 I want to build a water leak sensor on battery.
If i wake up every hour my house is maybe already swimming.
So the esp8266 has to sleep an must wake up if an external trigger (leak sensor) tells him.

I am now looking for an leak sensor that dont drain my battery empty.
The china sensors from ebay take 20ma.
any ideas?

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By eriksl
#18241 I guess you best ask this question again at an electronics specific board. I will probably boil down to a low-energie opamp + some circuitry around it.
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By GeorgeIoak
#18262 Have the ESP module control the power to the leak sensor. You can then put everything to sleep and wake up to take your measurement.

Perhaps there are other sensors that require less current? If you can find you could power it and when it sense trouble you use it to trigger a rest to the ESP and wake it up