I have a project in my head and to make it work in my application, here is what I need:
I have focused on powering my mini blinds with a servo. No issue there. What I want to do is to have a potentiometer mounted in a switch box on the wall next to my light switch. The potentiometer will open and close the blinds and any setting in between. I want the potentiometer signal to be sent out via an 8266 talking to a separate 8266 that will be mounted at the mini blinds and will receive the signal and hand it over to the servo.
So my question is can one 8266 talk directly to another 8266 ?
If yes, can the 8266 then answer back with % open data to a control ap or main controller?
I am using Universal Devices is your-994iZw controller, but I want to keep all of my HA locally controlled and not dependent on any cloud sever.
Thanks for any help and a great site!