The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By ebes
#44747 Hey all!
I recently discovered this git project:

It works great for like 20-30 minutes until it seems to "restart", which means the led colors goes back to stock settings (white color and low brightness). Does anyone know why this might be happening? Im using it on a esp8266 witty cloud device, altho I have a nodemcu v3, and some wemos d1 mini incoming soon too. Or is it just a dead end using this as a 24/7 setup for a few hours a day lights-on-usage? Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with troubleshooting this by myself.

Thanks in advance!
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By bbx10node
#44761 If FastLED disables interrupts to drive the LEDs, it will have crashing problems.

Use NeoPixelBus in DMA or UART mode because these modes do not disable interrupts. NeoPixelBus can be installed using the IDE library manager.
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By ebes
bbx10node wrote:If FastLED disables interrupts to drive the LEDs, it will have crashing problems.

Use NeoPixelBus in DMA or UART mode because these modes do not disable interrupts. NeoPixelBus can be installed using the IDE library manager.

Thanks for that info! This is unfourtantly out of my knowledge scope (converting it to another led library and keep functionality) but I will try to look around!