Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By xnakxx
#12088 My setup is as follows
ESP8266-01 Node-mcu (latest firmware)
All is working great. Sensor reading / reporting to thingspeak... all that good stuff.
I decided why not direct the 3.3v ttl thru a hc-05 BT module? Well I have it wired and configured at 9600 (the same that I used for my ttl / rs232 adapter) and all I get back is garbage on the port. I have tried 'screen' from my mac and ESPlorer on my windows machine. I can see the commands being sent by the flicker of the blue light on the 8266. Can anyone direct me from here, or is there a reason that this can not be done that I am not aware of?