Just trying to get my head around the different AT firmware types/versions.
There are a number of Google Drive links floating around, but i'd prefer to stick to an official source.
I found: https://github.com/espressif/esp8266_at, which seems to match approx with the dates for: http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64 - so are those the same thing?
When I flash the one from Github, AT+GMR gives: 00200.9.4
Is that the latest release of the EspressIf AT firmware, then?
When I power on the ESP-12's I bought, I get:
[Vendor:www.ai-tinker.com Version:]
AT+GMR gives:
What's the difference between the AI Tinker firmware and the ExpressIf firmware (and who are AI Tinker?)
Why all the different formats of version number?
Also on a related note, how come the ExpressIf firmware comes in 4x files which you have to flash at different locations:
Is there any documentation anywhere which explains what each of those is for and why those locations?
How come many of the firmwares on the Google Drive links have only a single file to flash at 0x000? - is there a tool to combine the separate files into a single firmware image?