I am wanting to also use an ESP8266 and ACS712 via the analog IN port.
I am using a NodeMCU board running arduino
But a simple sketch that just reads from the port and displays the data shows a problem for me.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Shows the following values for different voltages applied to the analog input port.
0.0v = 709
0.1v = 714
0.2v = 720
0.3v = 725
0.4v = 730
0.5v = 738
1.0v = 764
1.5v = 796
2.0v = 827
Removed power = 702
Floating = 747
The power is provided by a Bench Supply with Positive connected to A0 and GND connected to GND on NodeMCU
can anyone confirm if this is also the case for other users of nodemcu dev board?
why is this not giving me a 0-1024 scale like I would expect with arduino?
Also I read online that esp8266 only supports 0-1v add but this shows something else if happening.