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By martinayotte
#22573 I don't use LUA, so maybe there some hardcoded things that does not look at the chipid to give access to remaining space.
About testing the flash itself, maybe you can write a script to create a binary file which will hold some bit pattern (such 32bits numbers) to test the full Flash space and simply use to write into it, then re-read it to another file and diff them.
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By dkdileep
#22951 Depending on the Lua firmware the reported flash size might vary.
If you' re ok with building your own version then please set FLASH_AUTOSIZE and FLASH_SAFE_API in user_config.h
On first startup it formats the flash and you can get the usable flash space. For me it has worked for ESP-01, 07 and 12 (which also justifies the difference in cost between versions). My ESP-12 has lot more space than ESP-01

// #define FLASH_16M