Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By nhattnguyen
#27132 Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie. I consider using ESP8266 to implement my IoT device.
I have already demo my IoT device by using Arduino DUE. When I compile my source code to .bin file. The size of .bin file is 130Kb.
So, I didn't understand about flash memory of ESP8266 (about flash.bin and irom0text.bin). I have read document that it have 64Kb Flash.bin max. I'm confused that whether I can compile my source code and upload into ESP8266 or not?

I would very appreciate if somebody could clarify this.
Sorry for my bad English :(
Thanks in advance
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By Hendrik4.10
#28935 Hey,
as far as I know, is the .bin Format not only storing the Byte values, but also some sort of address, which doubles the size of the file.
So I would say, just give it a try, you can't damage anything

Greetings, Hendrik