I need help reading EEPROM data. using the following code all I get is 255 at all locations...
What am I doing Wrong??? or Is the AP IP address stored somewhere else ????
#include <EEPROM.h>
//========== DISPLAY EEPROM ATTEMPT =================================
ShowEP(0,16,536); // start 0, 16/line, stop 536
EEPROM.end(); // ? needed ?
int ShowEP(int x, int w,int z) { // start, line length, end
int y;int i;int q; // defines
Serial.println(); // crlf
Serial.print(x); // print val of x
Serial.print(" - "); // x= 0 w= 16 z= 96
q = x+16; // q = next line #
for (x ; x < q ; ++x) // print 0-15 values
{ Serial.print(EEPROM.read(x),DEC); // print EEPROM char decimal value
Serial.print(","); // print ","
} // loop w times ~ 16
if (x < z) { goto Lp1; } // not last line do again
return x ;