These are cheap. I have used them in two commercial products. Converting 12 volts to 5 volts to power a Raspberry Pi and five inch color LCD, and in the second product, converting 12v to 5v then using a linear regulator to generate the 3.3v for a ESP-12 module. I needed 5 volts for a character LCD on the second product.
The listing says it is a LM2596 and that's not correct. I forget what switcher it is but it is far better. More efficient.
Cheap but it takes a while to get it. ... 79916.html
I'm using one of those to drive a 10W LED from an ESP and it works quite nicely.
The IC used on these modules is a PT4115 (datasheet) and pin 8 (the one closest to the "out" label) happens to be a PWM input that can be connected directly to a GPIO pin of the ESP.
rudy wrote:
These are cheap. I have used them in two commercial products. Converting 12 volts to 5 volts to power a Raspberry Pi and five inch color LCD, and in the second product, converting 12v to 5v then using a linear regulator to generate the 3.3v for a ESP-12 module. I needed 5 volts for a character LCD on the second product.
The listing says it is a LM2596 and that's not correct. I forget what switcher it is but it is far better. More efficient.
Cheap but it takes a while to get it.
Thank you a lot, that's exactly what I needed.