Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By mradovan
#56039 I have ESP8266 connected to my PC over FTD1232 module. ESP8266 is successfully flashed within MCUFlasher. After that GPI02 node is disconnected from GND.

When I want to connect it to ESPlorer, it wan't to work. Just got the message "communication with mcu..", and nothing happend.

The same thing is happening with LuaLoader - I can open COM port and that's it.

I tried this with two ESP8266 modules, but both are doing the same...

What I'm doing wrong?
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By ygrignon
#56070 I have ESP12e that I program with esplorer. It works always but I had some difficulties getting going. Here is how they are wired now:
GPIO0 pulled up to Vcc, grounded to flash
GPIO2 pulled up to Vcc
GPIO15 tied to Grd (if I recall I had no comm with esplorer until I did that)
CH_PD tied to Vcc
Hope that this helps, Good luck.