Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By brolly759
#44836 I am looking into the Wiznet w5200 upgraded Ethernet board. Does anyone know if we have a library yet that is compatible with this chip? I know the w5100 works now but not sure on w5200...

Thanks for any info!
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By cnlohr
#44887 [a little off topic] J/w what motivations go into desire to use specific parts, i.e. enc28j60 or the wiznet parts? I'm just trying to figure out what it would take to get adoption and work toward my native ESP ethernet stack.
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By PuceBaboon
cnlohr wrote:[a little off topic] J/w what motivations go into desire to use specific parts, i.e. enc28j60 or the wiznet parts? I'm just trying to figure out what it would take to get adoption and work toward my native ESP ethernet stack.

An off-the-shelf, ready to use part. Of course, if we only need the socket and magnetics, that would suit most people, too. :D

Most of us are pretty much aware by now that there's not too much free breathing space with the ESP. Even running our simple apps, we have to make sure that a "yield" gets thrown in there every so often. I think the general feeling is that the ESP doesn't have the horsepower to handle a wired connection in addition to what it's already doing and that we would generally need to offload most of that work onto something like a Wiz to have a usable system.

Is this you saying that your stack is maturing and ready for prime time?
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By PuceBaboon
#74428 Brolly759,

Here are the details for the W5500 (see link, below). I used WizNet's library (which has the ESP8266 fixes rolled in) to do this, but please note that while the W5100 and W5500 files in the WizNet tree are ESP modded, for some reason the W5200 files are not. I'm working on porting the same thing to a (W5200-based) Wiz820io module and it's looking good, but not quite 100%, yet.

Anyway, the most important thing for these boards is the connection from GPIO15 on the ESP8266 to the chip-select pin in the Wiznet module. It must have a non-inverting buffer. A PNP transistor with a single resistor works fine. Take a look at for the details and the schematic.
