Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By cusaro
#78851 Hi,

there are a lot of guides on how tos save power with a NodeMCU v1.0. I happen to have v0.9 lying around. I have no issues with them so I'd like to use them for a battery powered project.

Any ideas or instructions on how to achieve a minimal power consumption with those boards or maybe don't they need any mods?

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By QuickFix
#78861 A NodeMCU is a development board, made for convenience, not efficiency.
The NodeMCU has more peripherals on-board than just the ESP: it also includes a USB to serial convertor that also draws (a lot of) power.

If your goal is to create something that is battery powered, you use the NodeMCU to develop your hard- and software and then pour that into a design of your own using a bare ESP-12 module accompanied by only the necessary components.
Even the on-board blue LED on the ESP-12 module uses power, so to efficiently use every drop of juice in your battery, you would want to remove that LED as well.