I tried to talk to my new ESP8266 12F using two different serial cables (prolific USB-TTL and Moxa UPort1150 with level shifter). I also tried to flash with NodeMCU with their ESP flasher and also tried to talk with ESPlorer. I installed the ESP tools onto my Raspberry and used its UART port.
In all of the above I got a timeout when I asked the MCU but when I applied reset the blue led lit on then got the same answer, something like this:
rl lœž| Œlà| Œlìb|Ž‚ ì’r’bŒbŒònnžlnnœâì brplŽlrlrlžnžì|òŒœn|
The enable pin is on Vcc 3.3V, reset pin is on Vcc via 10k, power is currently via serial cable (but tested with external supply as well with a max. capacity of 800mA). I tried with all serial speeds but the above answer was consistently found only on 115200. There was a quite similar thread under the http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?p=31006#p31006 but nothing else.
I bought 10 MCUs and tested with three. All of them gave me the same reply as above, so I think I have something wrong on my side. The serial communication works fine and I was able to upload NodeMCU to an another ESP8266 (like this: https://www.banggood.com/ESP8266-10A-220V-Network-Relay-WIFI-Module-Input-DC-7V30V-p-1089200.html?rmmds=search)
Thanks for your help,