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By mano1979
#11456 You mean IC1? That is the ams1117 3.3V (lm1117) voltage regulator.

Otherwise there is SJ1. That is a solderpad for choosing wich pin to pull down to 3.3v. (Rx or tx). Just solder the pad you want to pull down to the middle pad.

##[x] RXD
[x]## TXD
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By EadF
mano1979 wrote:EadFr: I believe the CH_PD pin is the chip enable pin. It should be high for the module to work.

Atleast, that is what i read. Am i wrong here?

The txb0108 is nice but for this project, overkill. They are also quite expensive at 4 dollar each (ebay)

Yes, of course CH_PD should be high, but you have connected that pin directly to reset. So if some guy directly connects CH_PD to Vcc (like a lot of guides on the internetz suggest) and press reset (temporarily connects reset pin directly to gnd) he will get a short circuit. This problem could be avoided if CH_PD and reset didn't share the same pullup.

I never intended txb0108 for this project, was just thinking about eventual compability. But i guess actual resistor choice that can be left to the guy who is doing the soldering..
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By mano1979
#11474 Yeah i understand. The reason i connected reset en ch_pd is that i wanted to keep the antenna clear of any traces. But if you think it can be a problem, i can see if i can change it.

Though i think that connecting these pins directly to vcc would defeat the purpose of this board...