Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By xtal
which framework to use?

what do you mean which frame work.....?
Do you mean NodeMCU, Basic, Arduino etc.....
NodeMCU was sort of easy to get something to happen , but getting it to work correctly , is another issue You can look at my code Pool / Spa monitor To maybe get some ideas.....
it is working ok.., but I'm sure The LUA nerds would have issues with it
not enough memory is usually what happens....
get latest build from sdk 1.4.0
read the unoffical FAQ's

Basic - relatively new ,, has good support - has tutorial how to start

Arduino, and others google etc

I just started playing with Arduino IDE 1.6.5 - its interesting and probably most efficient, but
difficult to program unless you know C+, which I don't....

If I were you, I would attempt to resolve current issues...
1> can you connect to ?
and do anything?

2> You need to determine why you cannot send data to ESP
because you will not be able to Flash new FW
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By raytravel
#37084 In my case I tested usb/serial first by coupling rx to tx in full duplex I could see what I typed.
Removing the wire I could not.
Then I connected to the board, already knowing WHICH was the true rx/tx
and that was it as far as I could go.
I do have other mfg boards on order, even the 12E to play with.
I am guessing the built in program is the problem.
Will know more next week.
Just wondering here if I was missing something.
Been an electronic troubleshooter since the 60's and designed 100s or more microcontroller boards for industrial/home automation. But this device family is new for me and from past experience problem is always something simple. I did a guru project for same but the guy took my money and disappeared. So now I am doing my thing getting ideas, getting other modules. "step by step, inch by inch" as the saying goes.