I've tried every baud rate and still can't get anything on a terminal that isn't rubbish!!
My trusty USB bub II thingy blew the other week so I'm using a raspberry pi to connect to the UART interface.
To invoke a terminal on the pi I first edited /etc/inittab to disable the serial console, then use:
picocom /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 9600
All I get at any baud rate is gibberish with occasional control characters that clear the screen etc!!
I also tried to upload new firmware, also without success.
I've checked for soldering problems and tried most combinations of GPIO's to VCC/GND I can think of.
(photo shows my setup but don't worry about the connections shown - I tried all the versions listed in this thread and many more!)
Any bright ideas?
Thanks in advance
And do you use a proper 3.3V power supply? I don't think the PI can power the module.
Connect GPIO0 and GPIO15 to GND, CH_PD to VCC before powering up the module.
Then launch esptool to flash a .bin file.