Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Alvis
martinayotte wrote:I think the discussion here is that on ESP12, you don't have to rely on on GPIO0/GPIO2 as normal GPIOs, since there is plenty(?) of other GPIOs.
The SINK hack on GPIO2 is simply a workaround about Boot EXEC mode for ESP01 since there only GPIO0/GPIO2 available on header.
But, just as a reminder, it is so easy to hook up an MCP23017 on ESP01 GPIO0/GPIO2 and since I2C bus require pullups anyway, it is a perfect fit to have 16 more GPIOs !

Yes indeed. No point (for me) to meddle anymore with the ESP01 since ESP12 has many more IO pins and does not cost much more. This is an easy escape route for me as well since I don't have the knowledge to fix the issue with ESP01. Is there any other reason (apart from small price difference) why ESP01 continues to be used given that ESP12 has more capability?
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By roccomuso
martinayotte wrote:Of course, I don't think I will purchase ESP01 anymore, the ones I've got are from early days, back to last summer/fall.
Plenty of ESP07/ESP12/ESP12E, I'm just waiting for new generations ;)

any news about new generations?