Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By LastSamurai
#20089 I found some rather small LM2596 buck converter modules I had flying 'round here. I will try to use them.

When I find the time I'll clean up my first post and collect all tips there. Perhaps if someone else adds information for other modules (I only have 01 and 12) this could become a good place for newbies to start with. I think it might help quite a lot of people.
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By Lotus
LastSamurai wrote:Ok here is the next (and hopefully final) version. I added a capacitor to the reset line (is that done right?) and a voltage divider on the adc pin which should break down 3.3V signals to a 01-V range.
Last question remaining for me at the moment: what is the best practice with unused pins in a pcb with the esp? Say I don't need to use the adc and GPIO 14. I guess just leaving them floating isn't the best idea. But what is? Connecting them to ground? With a pulldown?

Thanks again for the help (espacially Georgeloak)!
I hope this might someday help other newbies with esp board development ;)

Use 5 kohm for pullups, 10kohm is too weak. 10 kohm works ok for the pulldowns. Also a 100 pF cap to ground on the EXT_RSTB pin helps with noise false triggers.

From my experimentation I am able to consistently put the IC in an unknown state causing it to burn up with a 10 kohm pull up on the CHIP_EN pin.

You can refer to the appendix in Espressif's latest hardware users guide.
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By kolban
#21629 Lotus,
Can you help clarify the phrase "causing it to burn up". After using the 10k resistors and the chip got hot, do you mean that it is ruined or if one then drops to using 5k resistors it starts to work?
