Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Orcanbull
#53056 Thanks for that one!, didn't know that,

So running at 74880 i see the following error code :
Fatal exception (0):
epc1=0x40211668, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000

Any idea ?
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By Barnabybear
#53057 Hi, the wire from 3.3V to GPIO 2 does what would expected to the LED, as the LED is also connected to 3.3V
( ... p-12-q.png).
It does sound like a GPIO issue given that the code works on the other unit. Can you power down and check the resistances of the boot GPIO's 0, 2 & 15 to both Vcc and Ground please. Code related resets would output serial at 115200, boot issues output at 74880 which is interpated as giberish.
EDIT: as you have posted as I typed this.
The exception codes ar here ( ...
Have you used this unit with a different router or access point or is it out of the box?
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By Orcanbull
#53060 I used it out of the box,

The code has been running successfully for about 3 days, in which is powered it up sever times a day, I'm conducting power efficiency tests. Last morning when i powerd it up again it gave the error, i suppose indeed its a boot issue,

to VCC

Gpio-0 - 1.5 k
GPIO -15 - 20 k
GPIO - 2 - 160 k
RES - 13 k

to GND
Gpio-0 - 160 k
GPIO -15 - 0 R
GPIO - 2 - 16 M
RES - 100 k