Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By yukardo
#67393 Yes QuickFix I have google and I have that pinout.

But that pinout does not say what I can/cannot connect to every pin. That is the problem, maybe I am using some pins as input and I should not use those for that purpuse.

That was my question.

Sorry if it so stupid.

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By QuickFix
yukardo wrote:maybe I am using some pins as input and I should not use those for that purpuse.

The GPIO-pins are... uhm GPIO-pins, which means General-Purpose Input/Output
You can use them as input or output, depending on how you declare them in code.

Some pins may have special uses (for instance you can only wake up from deep sleep by connecting GPIO16 to RST, GPIO0 to enter Flash-mode or GPIO13 and GPIO15 for a second, debug, serial port), but can be used as normal GPIO pins (except for GPIO0 which can only be an output).
And some pins are dedicated to a specific function, like ADC-pin "ADC0".

You can find all documentation for the ESP8266 on the Espressif website. :idea: