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By QuickFix
jankop wrote:The BMP280 measures pressure and temperature only.

Ah, you're right about that: I missed the temp feature on the "Product features"-tab in the link I provided earlier.
Now all makes sense and it's time to confront the seller with this information. :evil:

BTW: You can get the BME280 for €2,25 in China. :idea:
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By QuickFix
jankop wrote:There is a BMP280 model number written here. I have 6 of them at home and all are BMP280 instead of BME280.

The link I gave is explicitly advertising them as BME; do you mean to say you've ordered BME's over there and received BMP's instead? :shock:
(Please note that AliExpress isn't as BangGood or the like: there are thousands of different sellers on AliExpress, not just the one; some of the sellers just don't know what they're selling, others actually do).

If that's the case you should've opened a dispute if they're not willing to resend you the correct ones (I successfully did a couple of times in the past).
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By jankop

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