Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By metalphreak
#13995 IIRC, the chip uses the ADC to calibrate the radio power all the time. You need to make sure your code (or the function your using from others) checks to see if the ADC is in use. I can't remember the exact information, but if you search for it, its not hard to find :)
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By mmcginty
#14244 By accident I connected both resistors of my voltage divider into ground, and started getting a value other than 1024. So I checked for voltage on the ADC pin and it read 1.16. WTF, over? Now I'm really anxious for the new chips I ordered to get here!
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By Tooltime
#14260 Sorry for the late reply.

HolgerW wrote:Which software version you use ?

I'm using esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.3

HolgerW wrote:Make sure the pin doesnt float and only 0..1V, more then 1V will kill the ADC...

Yes, I have read that a lot of people (by accident) killed it with that. With some it can still be flashed but doesn't boot up anymore.

metalphreak wrote:checks to see if the ADC is in use. I can't remember the exact information, but if you search for it, its not hard to find :)

Thanks for that hint. I also just found out that it is not a good idea to read an ADC value during transmitting because it could influence the value. That probably that what you also point out here. I just searched quickly but was not able to find something so far. If I find it I will let you know. ;)
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By mmcginty
#14722 Wonder if input at the wrong time could affect transmission? This would make it totally unusable in server mode.