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By BlueAnt
#18060 In the Espressif Systems ESP8266EX Datasheet details indicate that programming of the ESP to reduce the Power Amplifier output power level. This would be possible with the same functionality referred to in the second extract indicating how the ESP sets its own power level.

However I do not think this functionality is exposed in the API, it might be that power level related parameters is stored in flash memory that is read during the ESP startup maybe at address 7E000h ?


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By BlueAnt
#18209 Great News !!! :D

In the latest Espressif SDK, esp_iot_sdk_v1.1.0_15_05_22 , the feature has been added to set the RF TX Power level according to a relative value between 1 and 82 and also according to the voltage level VDD33.

The next thing is to have it included in the NodeMCU firmware.
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By donnaware
#18320 I make my own boards and one thing I noticed is that if you leave off the 12K resistor (did that by accident one time) disables the PLL which disables the RF and it seemed to cut the current draw in half. But I don't know if that is bad for the chip or not but I thought at the time it could be a good way to conserve power will running the rest of the chip.