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By tareumlaneuchie
#17630 I took the ESP board out of the breakout board, and connected GPIO0, GPIO2 et GPIO15 to GND, no luck either.

I did not get the flashing green light on the board during the process though.

I only get the flashing green light when I connect GPIO0 to GND and when I start uploading on the IDE , seems like they are unable to understand each other.
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By j0hncc
tareumlaneuchie wrote:GPIO0, GPIO2 and GPIO15 were all connected to ground. Still no go.

No, to load your code from uart into flash, on the gpio's you need exactly this:
GPIO15 = Low
GPIO0 = Low
GPIO2 = High (floating usually works too)
(Others have said this in "bits and pieces", I am just restating it here in full).

If you are not understanding that from the olimex docs, try reading it from this

But I imagine you have tried all eight combinations anyway :)
And that is probably not the original/root problem since it did flash before.