tytower wrote:I have found this page
http://devacron.com/arduino-ide-for-esp8266/I2C (Wire library)
Only master mode works, and Wire.setClock has not been verified to give exactly correct frequency. Before using I2C, pins for SDA and SCL need to be set by calling Wire.pins(int sda, int scl), i.e.Wire.pins(0, 2); on ESP-01.
I tried " Wire.pins(3, 4);" Also tried "Wire.pins(3 sda, 4 scl);"
but it will not compile with the line in .Complains of wire not having a type? I dont see the function at all in the Wire library which is built in to the Arduino IDE nor Wire.setClock() mentioned in the quote
The Wire library has a mod to work with ESP8266. Thats in the ESP version of the Arduino IDE at - hardware\esp8266com\esp8266\libraries\Wire - but if you happen to have the Wire lib in your Arduino libraries folder (eg Documents\Arduino\libraries) than that will get picked up first not the modified ESP one, so you need to delete that old one.