I've tried to use esptool to upload my sketch, the erase phase succeeded, but the upload failed with the following error :
Erasing flash...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/martin/esp8266/esptool-master/esptool.py", line 536, in <module>
esp.flash_begin(blocks*esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK, address)
File "/home/martin/esp8266/esptool-master/esptool.py", line 197, in flash_begin
struct.pack('<IIII', size, num_blocks, ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK, offset))[1] != "\0\0":
File "/home/martin/esp8266/esptool-master/esptool.py", line 107, in command
raise Exception('Invalid head of packet')
Exception: Invalid head of packet
I've also tried to get it flash_id, but same error ...
I presume that the chips are not good. I will have to wait another batch I've ordered, this time some W25Q32.
EDIT : False Alarm ! Those 208mil are tough to fit in, so 1 pins wasn't soldered properly. Now it is flashed and works properly.
cnlohr wrote:W25Q128FVSIG (32 MByte)
You means 16MBytes ...
I've also some W25Q64 ordered from China, but I won't get them until next month.