Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By OldBikerPete
#40248 Hello, newbie here. I have an ESP8266 module which is marked as having the main interface an SPI connection, rather than (what seems to be) the usual RS232 (3.3v) connection. I want to make this module the wifi interface of a system based on an Arduino Mega.
Is there a suitable library available?
I've tried searching but I get inundated with how to use the ESP8266 as an Arduino clone and use its SPI to interface to something else.
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By Ashtam55
martinayotte wrote:It is depend of many factors.
Do you need high resolution, high speed ?
What is your application ?
Dimming LEDs or getting Audio output ?

Sir i want to use leds on analog output and esp8266-01 have only one digital output so i want two more analog output so that i can use more led on analog output so sir plz give suggestions on this .