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By bjpirt
#35584 I've recently programmed a batch of 1000 ESPs and not one blew up in the process. The only way I've ever killed one was by putting 5v into the pins and even then it still ran, just with some dead pins.
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By Venkatesh
#35589 When it blew'd for the first time you should known that something is definitely wrong with your procedure. Before connecting anything to ESP always check voltage level whether it is Vcc or the one you are going to attach to GPIO.
This is not an arduino where everything is 5v.

What strange is, how come NodeMCU kit got problem ? may be USB issue.

Even check CP2102 voltage on TX it should measure 3.3v or little less.
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By sej7278
#35594 its not something i'm doing, they are literally just stopping working when i turn them on one day or when probing with a multimeter or something not the same each time.

i thought they were shorting their regulators but the nodemcu regulator is fine now i've removed the esp12e, as is the cp2102 and usb.

i've heard from several people, including one guy that was going to be a uk supplier of these things but he had a 20% failure rate with esp12e's just randomly stopping working.

i've been using arduino's and related boards/chips for 3+ years, never had a single component die on me.

all of the espressif kit i've used in 6 months or so has died, save for two esp-01's. to me that stinks of quality control problems, and its not the breakout boards, its the chips themselves.