Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Lxx33
#40525 I uploaded your code, and everything works.

Because a lot of esp8266 video's talked about first update firmware and using the AT commands to check the firmware. I'd figured that this was also the way if i uploaded something. Tnx for the help.
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By Lxx33
#40588 Not completely there.
I downloaded nodemcu-flasher-master on my vmware windows and flashed the esp8266.
After that I disconnect the wire from GPIO to GND.

When I start serial monitor on my mac I see the following info.
lua: cannot open init.lua

I fixed that with.
NodeMCU 0.9.6 build 20150406 powered by Lua 5.1.4
lua: cannot open init.lua
> file.format()
format done.
>"init.lua", "w+")
> file.writeline("--test")
stdin:1: open a file first

After that i got:
Code: Select all8������ ���� ������c�

NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150318  powered by Lua 5.1.4

I also have RX/TX communication when it try.
Code: Select all> print("hello")

I only can't see the uploaded firmware with:
AT+GMR. I get
Code: Select all >> AT+GMR
stdin:2: '=' expected near 'AT'

baut is 9600 because there rest i get no response or strange characters.
Also can't list access points:
stdin:1: '=' expected near '+'

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By martinayotte
#40589 As I mentioned several time in the forum, AT firmware is one beast, and other firmware other beasts.
If you upload Lua firmware, then the AT firmware is completely replaced/erased/gone !
You can NOT have both firmware at the same time.
So, don't expect Lua executing AT commands, it is not written like that.
Samething with Arduino sketch, if you wish to run such sketches along with AT commands, the sketch need to implement them itself, it doesn't rely on any previous AT firmware.