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By martinayotte
#42216 The whole thing is depends how @robotmaker42 project is defined !
It is even unclear if such USB is client or OTG host ...
BTW, for OTG host, I've received a MAX3421E shield recently, but "Time is the missing ingredient" ...
If that OTG host let me mount an external USB Mass Storage, my ESPs could get GB of storages... :lol:
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By robotmaker42
#42243 My project right now includes a esp8226, logic level converter and a digispark. The esp8266 is set as an AP, then serves a webpage that allows you to upload a file to the esp8266. the esp8266 reads the text file for specific key words, then sends those instructions over I2c to the digispark. the digispark then acts as a keyboard and types things.

In simpler terms I am trying to recreate some thing called the usb rubber-ducky but add wifi functionality. I currently have working prototype but if the esp8266 could do the job of digispark that would shrink the size of this project. also I could possibly turn off the tcp-ip and wifi stacks( some how) after the upload of ducky script file. would it be possible to use the wifi(in regards to wifi stack && tcp-ip stack) then turn off the wifi stacks during the emulation of a keyboard and afterwards turn the wifi stack back on.

usb rubber-ducky:

p.s. sorry about putting this post in the hardware section of the website, I thought this was a hardware question.
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By martinayotte
#42248 I don't understand exactly ?
Why do you need the USB, is it simply to get this MicroSD storage attached ?
If Yes, you don't need the USB since the MicroSD can be attached directly to ESP via SPI.
In this case, software will be really simply, no needs for V-USB, and Wifi can also stay alive.
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By robotmaker42
#42325 The esp8266 is not the host, the esp8266 would be plugged into a computer as a keyboard and be able to type things.

Here is a tutorial for v-usb with an arduino uno:

I would like to know if I could do the above tutorial with the esp8266, I know that v-usb is based on timing and an arduino runs at 8mhz/16mhz, the esp8266 runs at 80 mhz.

if this possible then I could remove the digispark and the logic level converter from my project, BTW the name of my project is called the DigiDuck8266.