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By Bonzo
#80358 This is the site I quoted: ... -tutorial/

The tutorial is for an Arduino but it still uses a breakout board with the ADS1115 chip.

I spoke the electronics expert at work and the IC would be more efficient than the voltage divider but in my case I may have a problem with the power supply to the board.
He also baffled me with science about the voltage divider as I should take the current into consideration - I still have no idea what he was talking about but I think it was to do with resistivity!
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By eriksl
#80961 Don't go through all that hassle. Use an I2C thermometer. There are dozens of them, ranging from ultimately cheap (and worthless in accuracy) to quite expensive (some of them really are quite accurate, but not all of them). Some up to, indeed, 0.5 degree C accuracy.