Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Koelie2
#15383 I also recommend using ali express , but if you can buy on taobao they are: 12.50 yuan = 1.87 euro or 2.02 USD ;) so everything above that is too much ;)

taobao link:
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By MeNoGeek
Koelie2 wrote:on taobao they are: 12.50 yuan = 1.87 euro or 2.02 USD
+ Conversion fees + Shipping + the risk of losing your money if you don't receive the parcel. If you can buy on Taobao... :roll: Well, if your girlfriend works in the factory, you can get them for free when she visits you. So everything above $0.00 is too much. BJ included. :lol:
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By Ribeiro Santos
MeNoGeek wrote:
Koelie2 wrote:on taobao they are: 12.50 yuan = 1.87 euro or 2.02 USD
+ Conversion fees + Shipping + the risk of losing your money if you don't receive the parcel. If you can buy on Taobao... :roll: Well, if your girlfriend works in the factory, you can get them for free when she visits you. So everything above $0.00 is too much. BJ included. :lol:


I suggest create another topic "best online shops to buy ESPs"