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By mbenitez01
#77515 A VERY..VERY...VERY weird thing happened to me today..
I have several 8266 boards, that I use regularly and never had a problem (I only once fried an ESP01 a couple of years ago due to a stupid mistake from my part....besides that I have played months with esp07, esp12, wemos, nodemcu..and so on
Yesterday night I grabbed a Lolin MCU I hade used two or three times in the past with different projects ...the board was working fine...
I dumped 8266BASIC on it (I had used that soft in another board [or this one, I do not remember] some time ago, sucessfully...I played with it a couple of hours and abandoned it because I needed something more powerfull)
Yesterday, I dumped 8266BASIC... the board boot ok..opened a couple of menu without problem....then I tried to configure the IP address to build an ad hoc architecture (Lolin as AP)....and I was not able to connect any more..not only as AP, but as STATION neither!
This afternoon, I pluged USB cable again and noticed that the 8266 module was extremely hot!!!
The built in led stopped sumarize: the Lolin fried itself!!! (you can not fry a board wirelessly, trust me..niehter can you through a conventional usb cable!!!MISTERIO!!!!!!