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By bhoang99
#47548 I'm a newbie to esp8266 world, but decided to start with esp-13. It wasn't a very smooth start. Please help!

I'm getting the following errors when try to load a simple sketch onto esp-13 with reunion 1.68 and esp8266-13 board selected.

Error message:

trying to connect
flush start
setting serial port timeouts to 1 ms
setting serial port timeouts to 1000 ms
flush complete
espcomm_send_command: sending command header
espcomm_send_command: sending command payload
serialport_receive_C0: 80 instead of C0
resetting board

My wiring:

Esp8266 Ftdi/breadboard
Vcc 3.3V
Gnd Gnd
Gpio0. Gnd
Gpio2. 3.3v (per espressif spec to put into uart load)
Gpio15. Gnd (per espressif)
Tx. Rx
Rx. Tx
En. 3.3v
Rst. Gnd

Please help!!!!!!! What am I doing wrong?
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By Ruandv
#47606 Try this configuration :
VCC - 3.3V
GPIO2 - 3.3V

After you uploaded the sketch then remove GPIO 15 from GND, restar the ESP and it should then run the program you uploaded.

Good Luck
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By martinayotte
Ruandv wrote:After you uploaded the sketch then remove GPIO 15 from GND, restar the ESP and it should then run the program you uploaded.

Misleading information !
It is not the GPIO15 that need to be released from GND, but GPIO0 that needs to be pulled up for normal execution mode.